原来是看过一部分原著的啊 主角作为数学天才的特点确实有讨喜的地方 但精神疾病对于周围的人跟自己都是很大的困扰 这部剧里歇斯底里的人们或许就是放大失控程度的我们,饥饿的阿阝夷5可以产生共鸣呢…… NTLive的舞台每次看都是设计得那么精彩,演员的演技都是那么优秀,最后也等到了解数学题,制作的真是用心哪~
Nature simply is, the most mind blowing experience and the ultimate mastermind. If one could only lift their eyes from the gadgets and gaze into the skins and bones of those miraculous creatures and marvel at the most strategic logic applied and the sublime resilience knitted into the beings. Nothing is nearly comparable. Everything is born by it.